Thursday 16 February 2012

blog recipe #35 of 365

Today is a blog special 8)
I am doing a specialty piece on Amaranth!!! Not a lot of people know to much about amaranth, so I am here tonight to educate 8)

Amaranth is an ancient grain, with a high nutritional profile! It is very high in protein and poly unsaturated fats, as well as vital vitamins and minerals.  I love amaranth as equally as I do quinoa.  And for this reason!

Amaranth can be cooked as a cereal, ground into flour, popped like popcorn, sprouted, or toasted.  It can be added to stir-frys, soups and salads.

Amaranth flour is used in making pastas and baked goods. It must be mixed with other flours for baking yeast breads, as it contains no gluten. 1 part amaranth flour to 3 to 4 parts wheat or other grain flours may be used.

 In the preparation of flatbreads, pancakes and pastas, 100% amaranth flour can be used. Sprouting the seeds will increase the level of some of the nutrients and the sprouts can be used on sandwiches and in salads, or just to munch on.

To cook amaranth boil 1 cup seeds in 2-1/2 cups of water, stock or apple juice until seeds are tender.  You cook it for approximately 18 to 20 minutes. 

Adding some herbs or spices when cooking can add interesting flavors.  For a breakfast cereal increase the cooking liquid to 3 cups and sweeten with Stevia, honey, agave nectar, add raisins, dried or fresh fruit and/or nuts. 

For making popcorn, heat a medium pan or pot on medium heat.  When pan is heated sprinkle amaranth in its dry form in small amounts.  Stir constantly until it is fully popped.  Eat as is, or add as a topper to any dish such as salad, granola, oatmeal ect.

Amaranth has a "sticky" texture that contrasts with the fluffier texture of most grains and care should be taken not to overcook it as it can become "gummy." Amaranth flavor is mild, sweet, nutty, and malt like, with a variance in flavor according to the variety being used. 

The popcorn is so fun to make!! It tastes fantastic (just like regular popcorn just alot smallar).  It melts in your mouth! and is so good on salad!

Amaranth Popcorn
Preptime: 2mins  Cooktime: 2-5mins

1/2 - 1 cup raw uncooked Amaranth 

Heat a medium pan or pot on medium heat.  When pan is heated sprinkle amaranth in its dry form in the pan 1/4 cup at a time.  Stir constantly until it is fully popped.

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