Thursday 22 March 2012

blog recipe #55 of 365 egg muffins

Good evening everyone 8)
Todays recipe is egg muffins 8)
They are just like little mini quiche, but without the crust. These are great for breakfast, lunch or dinner as well as "on the go snacks"
I have been trying to make these for along time, and they always stick to the muffin tin.  That was however until I found the silcone muffin tin!!! I found it at superstore for cheap, and it works amazing!! nothing stuck to it! I am excited to try muffins in it 8)
This recipe is gluten free, dairy free, and paleo approved!

Egg Muffins
Preptime: 7mins  Cooktime: 40mins

3 egg white
3 whole eggs
1 tomato (chopped)
¼ cup of red onion (chopped)
¼ cup of broccoli (small florets only)
½ cup of spinach (chopped)
½ cup of chicken (small cubes, lemon basil chicken is awesome in this dish)
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp oregano

Preheat oven to 350  ͦ F
Oil up a muffin tin (or use a silicone muffin tin)
Whisk the eggs and spices in a medium bowl.  Add in the veggies and chicken.
Pour mixture into the muffin tin (evenly)
Bake for 40 mins (or until fully cooked)

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